
Destined to Soar: An Interview with Daisy Lacey, Survivor

Celeste Kocabay

Today our interview is with Daisy Lacey, Soar Active had the privilege to catch up with Daisy and chat about her love for live and monkey-bars.

Destined to SOAR: An interview with Natascha Tennent aspiring Golfer

Celeste Kocabay

Today our interview is with Natascha Tennent,  Soar Active had the privilege to catch up with Natascha and chat about her love for Golf.

Destined to SOAR: An interview with IIijana Ostojic aspiring Go-Kart Driver

Celeste Kocabay

Today our interview is with IIijana Ostojic, Soar Active had the privilege to catch up with Ilijana and chat about her love for Go-Karting

Destined to SOAR: An interview with Katherine Davey, Underwater Hockey Star

Celeste Kocabay

Today our interview is with Katherine Davey, Soar Active had the privilege to catch up with Katherine and chat about her love for Underwater Hockey.