Destined to Soar: An interview with Abbey Cutts, Ninja Warrior Nationals Champion

Destined to Soar: An interview with Abbey Cutts, Ninja Warrior Nationals Champion

Celeste Kocabay

 Destined to SOAR.

This interview series is aimed at celebrating, recognising and promoting the incredible talent and ferocious courage of our young women of tomorrow. 

Let's recognise the magnificent effort of girls' in sport across all codes!

Today our interview is with 15yo Ninja Warrior sensation Abbey Cutts. Abbey competes at local, State, National & World level for Ninja Warrior.  Abbey has won Gold, Silver & Bronze at Ninja Nationals.  Abbey will represent Australia again in 2023 as a World Finalist at WNL & UNAA World Championships.

Soar Active had the privilege to catch up with Abbey and chat about her love for Ninja Warrior and her upcoming Worlds’ trip to the USA

1. Abbey, tell us about your early life?

Abbey: I was born in Perth and moved back to Brisbane in 2016 to be where all my family live. I have a Labrador and an older sister who is my bestie.  Before Ninja I enjoyed dancing, acro and played AFL for four years. 

2. So how did you discover Ninja Warrior?

Abbey: I loved the TV Show Australia Ninja Warrior from the start and in 2019 I went to a birthday party at an adventure park that had all Ninja obstacles and I loved it.

3. What was your next step?

Abbey: I joined Ninja squads in 2019 & I qualified for ANG Nationals later that year and came 3rd in Australia in the U11 females.

4. How do you balance your competitive training and managing school?

Abbey:  I try to do as much schoolwork and homework at school.  I also have to take days off for travelling and my school have been really great.

5. What do you do in your downtime?

Abbey:  Rock climbing!  I have a part-time job in Brisbane where I get to be an instructor, do inductions, host parties and front desk work.  It is fun being able to share my Ninja and Climbing skills.

6. What makes you feel happy, brave, and strong? 

Abbey: I love learning new skills that are really hard to commit to the move.

7. Tell us about a special moment in the last year? 

Abbey: I went back to Perth in November 2022 to compete at Ninja World Cup.  It was the best feeling to have my Perth friends there to support me.  I podiumed 2nd in female pros.

8. What is your ultimate goal?

Abbey:  To become World Champion

9. What's your favourite attribute about yourself?

Abbey:  Resilience

10. Favourite song on repeat right now?

Abbey:  Take my breath – The Weeknd

11. What has Ninja Warrior taught you about life?

Abbey:  To never give up when it gets hard.

12. What would you say to other young females about following their dreams?

Abbey:  I am passionate about more females enjoying sport they love.  It is a good feeling to be active.  I also want to continue to be a great role model for all females and I love coaching Ninjas young or older!

Follow Abbeys awe inspiring journey as she heads to Worlds on Instagram and support her getting Abbey to the 2023 Ninja Warrior World Finals USA


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