Destined to Soar: An interview with Charlotte Ainsworth, Elite Footballer

Destined to Soar: An interview with Charlotte Ainsworth, Elite Footballer

Celeste Kocabay

 Destined to SOAR.

This interview series is aimed at celebrating, recognising and promoting the incredible talent and ferocious courage of our young women of tomorrow. 

Let's recognise the magnificent effort of girls' in sport across all codes!

In recognition of the FIFA 2023 Women's World Cup in Australia, today our interview is with youth sensation and Soar Active Ambassador Charlotte Ainsworth, Elite Footballer.  Soar Active had the privilege to catch up with Charlotte and chat about her love for football.

1. Charlotte, tell us about your early life?

Charlotte: My early life in football consisted of going to all my dad’s games as he was an academy coach in Melbourne where we lived. I used to kick the ball with him lots before his teams warmed up and chased after all the balls at his trainings. My dad was a big influence on me in the early days as we would spend hours in the back garden kicking the ball around.

2. So how did you discover football?

Charlotte: We moved to Brisbane five years ago and went to see a friends son play football at a local grassroots football club (Springfield United FC), my dad brought me along to watch the game but I took my ball along and I was more interested in kicking the ball with dad. I was 7 years old, as I kicked the ball around, I was spotted by the club technical director Mark Elrick who happened to be an ex international footballer that played for New Zealand and he suggested that I join the club in one of the boy’s teams. He was amazed by my natural ability at such a young age. 

3. What was your next step?

Charlotte:  The next step for me was to join my local grassroots club which I spent two years playing in the boy’s team before moving to the elite football pathway where I spent the next two seasons play SAP football for both boys’ and girls’ teams.

I always received private coaching from Tom Kenny while I was at my clubs, at the time Tom Kenny was an assistance coach to Jake Goodship at the Brisbane Roar Women’s W League side and they are both now my full-time academy coaches at The Football Company where I have been in their program last two years. 

4. How do you balance your competitive training and managing school?

Charlotte: I currently train 4 nights a week with one rest day and play two to three games on a weekend. I need to be very disciplined and organised to have good balance between my studies and my football. I usually knock out my homework before training and do the majority of my school work on my rest day, this system works well for me and gives me good balance. 

5. What do you do in your downtime?

Charlotte: In my downtime, I love to go for runs as another passion is cross country running. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy listening to music and in my quiet time I love to read my Sam Kerr books.

6. What makes you feel happy, brave, and strong? 

Charlotte:  Being with my family always makes feel happy (other than playing football of course!). We enjoy spending time watching movies, singing to music or just having laughs being silly and telling jokes with each other. My parents have always kept me grounded and taught me to remain humble in life. 

I feel brave when I show resilience to people who have negative energy towards me because of my competitive sporting nature. You will always have people that will try bring you down, but it’s important to show your resilience and bravery in not letting it get to you and to continue to do what you love. 

I feel strong when I play alongside with boys in football. Most of the time they’re physically bigger than me, but that doesn’t stop me from taking them on competitively in a game with the same level of intensity that they play. It’s nice to show them that a girl can hold her own on the football pitch too! 

7. Tell us about a special moment in the last year? 

Charlotte: The biggest achievement that I accomplished last year was being selected in the Queensland School Sport U12 Girls Football team which took part in the National Football Titles in Perth.

8. What is your ultimate goal?

Charlotte: My ultimate goal is to play football in Europe and become a professional footballer. I would love to play in the WSL in England one day. I would also love to represent my country by becoming a Matilda one day!  

9. What's your favourite attribute about yourself?

Charlotte:  I believe my best attributes are my focus, drive and determination to achieve my goals. 

10. Favourite song on repeat right now?

Charlotte: I have too many songs on repeat right now! I love all kinds of music. Anything with a good beat and catchy lyric! 

11. What has football taught you about life?

Charlotte: Football has taught me to be resilient, strong and focused. This is so true in life too because there are going to be bumps in the road, obstacles and doubters of your ability if you trust the process and #play with purpose you can achieve amazing things on the football field and in life.

12. What would you say to other young females about following their dreams?

Charlotte: My best advice to young passionate female footballers is dream big, work hard, focus on your own goals and don’t let anyone distract you of reaching your goals. It is easy to look over at another player a think they are doing better than you but focus on your goals and you will achieve amazing things. 

13. Who is inspiring you at the moment?

Charlotte: The person that inspires me at the moment is Katrina Gorry (Matildas) she is a fierce competitor, works extremely hard, never say die attitude, motivated, great team player and inspirational to young female players. Katrina also inspires me the be a better player every time I step onto the football pitch, I play so much like her and I dream to reach her level one day.

Follow Charlottes inspiring journey on Instagram


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